Character Interview: Rune (Aivan: The One Truth)

Character Interview: Rune (Aivan: The One Truth)

Today, I'm honored to support my friend Kayla E. Green's new novella, Aivan: The One Truth, with a little fun: some character interviews! 

So, without further ado, let's get to know one of her protagonists: Rune! 

1. Firstly: What's your name?

Hi Hannah! My name is Rune Kallio. Thank you so much for hosting me today! It’s different here than in the mountains of the northern county of the Great Continent, but Pela and I like it. *pets giant black wolf who happily pants*

It's so nice to meet you, too, Rune! And I hope everyone else will get to meet you as well in Aivan: The One Truth

2. What’s your favorite part of your journey you can share with us? No spoilers, of course!

My favorite part of my journey is where it has led me. Sure, it’s been the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, but it’s taught me a lot about myself and who I want to be — which is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned along the way. Sometimes you have to let go of what you think your life should look like in order to embrace something even better.

That's such a great lesson, Rune. I know that it's taken me a long time to figure that out--but it's so freeing to embrace what you *should* be, rather than what you *think* you should be. I know that's a message that readers are going to relate to when they read your story!

3. What was your least favorite part of your journey? Again, no spoilers, but you can pick a person, place, thing, lesson, etc.

Leaving home was very difficult for me. I love my family, and I’m especially close with my Grandpa.

I'm sensing some intrigue...I bet our readers are curious why you had to leave home! 😜

4. Is there something you’ve learned (or are learning) from your journey?

I’m learning to embrace my identity in Aivan. His plan for my life is greater than anything I’ve ever imagined.

Oooh, that's a great thing to learn. I know that it's so easy to put our identities in other stuff--for me, like my writing, or my interests, or any sorts of things. It's always important to remember that our identity, our worth, is rooted deeply in God/Aivan!

5. Can you tell us who Aivan is to you?

Aivan is the One Truth. He is light in darkness. He is the only way.

That's such a good answer! One of the things I love about Kayla's books is how she always effortlessly weaves in Christian messages throughout the text. Aivan: The One Truth is an excellent addition to the shelf of any Christian Fantasy lover!

6. Now, let's get to know you even better with some very important questions--what's your favorite color?

    I’ve always loved the color green.


    7. Tea or coffee?

    Tea! I’m hoping to learn to read tea leaves like the village elders one day.

    Mm, SAME! How about you, Kayla, and Pela stop by my house one day for a tea party? 🥰

    8. Cats or dogs?

    Can I say wolves? *scratches Pela behind the ears*

    Good choice, considering we don't want Pela to bite us. 😜

    9. What’s your favorite hobby?

    I love to read and research. Reading ancient scrolls and learning history, especially with my Grandpa, is my favorite way to spend time.

    That sounds lovely! Maybe you can share with us a little bit of your country's history that you've learned. I'd be very excited to learn more about the Great Continent and Aivan!

    10. What's one unique fact you'd like to share about yourself? 

    Sunflowers are my favorite. 🌻

    Ooooh, those are very pretty!

    And there you have it! I absolutely loved getting to know Kayla's character Rune better. If you'd like to know more about the world of Aivan, follow Kayla on Instagram, buy Aivan: The One Truth today (out now in digital and paperback), or stay tuned for some more character interviews out this week!
